The Advent of machines is at hand. And we can't really deny it. Sometimes, Looking at the future Is more or less like looking at ourselves in a world closer to extinction. And no, I do not usually prophesize doom without justifying it.
Its very simple, the evolution of mankind, I mean. Right since our evolution of the grey cells, we have trying hard to get ourselves in a more and more comfortable world. A world free from worries and discomfort. And in the whole process, we often forget that man is first and foremost an animal. A social animal though, but nonetheless, an animal. Analyzing our pursuit for comfort in the last 200 years, we have moved from walking, to using horses, to cycles, to cars, to bikes and then, well..eventually fly. But at the same time, we have started going backwards. Consider this : We are paying to do what we used to hate to do earlier. How? By running on a treadmill in a gym, that's how. We invented different modes of transportation to make our lives easier. Now, to pay for the side-effects of the comfort we are reverting back to our olden times. Yoga is another such example.
You might be wondering how all this is connected to extinction of mankind. Now, I am not pointing towards any nuclear explosion or a WW III. All I am saying is, eventually, man is becoming more and more Lazy in nature. And as the cycle of an animal goes, he is slowly reducing its Life-span in the pursuit for evolution. He is becoming more and more dependent on Machines for its needs and eventually, As a matter of fact, we will soon cease to be animals anymore. That would be the last stage of evolution. Now, here is a contradiction. Extinction and evolution hand in hand? Well. As I said, There is a logical explanation of everything.
In the near future, Artificial Intelligence will be developed to the extend that it will take over the whole of the labour Force. Work Efficiency will increase manifolds with Machines working 24X7. And what will all the humans be doing? They will obviously be working..but in a very different manner. They will just be the brains of the whole new species they have given birth to : the A.I.
Picture this : All a man has in his room is a screen and a chair (which doubles as a bed) with a voice enabled machinery all around. (Maybe in the near future,even Brainwaves might be possible, who knows..) The machines feed the humans. The computers are all voice enabled. All he does, is look at the screen and speak. The press would be a thing of the will the TV and the Radio. And what does a man do to exercise? Simple : He walks. Bare movement of limbs os what he does to exercise. Now, It might seem laughable that We would Walk for exercise. But even cycling as an exercise was a laughable option in the early 90's.
Move Ahead by about another 100 years. Human as a Physical being is just a body mass connectd to the computers. We are all living in a virtual reality. In a world of computers, where we have our life spans. People work, and move and talk and do every normal day stuff that we do in the virtual reality. It is somewhat like the MATRIX movie. Who knows whether We actually will have a war with the machines or not…After all, The brain of the Machines would have refused to obey us refutable creatures anyways. Just like we all don't like being we think they would ?
Its just a possibility. And it just struck me. I don't know how much of it is correct. I don't know how much of it will be correct. But, I do know one thing. We will keep evolving. Not in our physical self though. Physically, we might just be extinct.
Laugh as u might. But who knows….
For, A little Insight to the future Watch this video :
Its called GoogleZON
interesting thought but our minds are so full of the MATRIX images that it blinds us to other possibilities like.........i dunno....i'm one of those blind people :P
read the robot series by isaac asimov maybe that can help you give a new perspective
Its not just MATRIX
But then its just what I feel...My perspetive..
Iamnot saying this HAS to be true..
interesting post. though it doesnt bode too well for ppl like me. Thanks for including me in your blog roll
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