Sometimes it happens when u know u have done something wrong and u want to go back and remodel the past the way u want it to be.
It just so happened that i happened to come across this blog in one of the blogger communities in orkut. It seemed to be a pretty normal blog in the beginning and well, I guess we exchanged 3-4 scraps at about 2 am in the night exchanging pleasentaries and well...ending the conversation abruptly, don't know why.( 'coz obviously, a guy won't end a conversatioin with a female abruptly unless it is from the opposite end that this has happened.) . I just dismissed her as another one of the egregarious types who wanted to be left secluded in their cocoon of life and moved on..
So i was pleasently surprised and well....kinda jealous when Out of nowhere i visited her blog again today (I guess After about 3 months) and Quala!!
The Day I Was Proven Wrong
Seems Madam Aparna was not Joking when she said she took her writing seriously!!! Her BLog posts have been converted into a book...
Congrats grl...i always liked your writings..just tht..i was abit too naughty to accept it...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Congrats grl...i always liked your writings..just tht..i was abit too naughty to accept it...
Mannn....I envy u!!!
Man...i still can't understad the concept of trafficking in blogs. Does the number of people visiting your blog actually matter rather than the No. of people who actually care to read your musings?
woosh man..a boook?
INterestin happening man..Sometimes these things in life can be so amusing..Nice read
The post made a good read:) and the labels are interesting :P
Only I don't seem to be able to remember when is it that we exchanged scraps?
Is your account name in orkut INTEL INSIDE too?
You were right there when u said about me:one of the egregarious types who wanted to be left secluded in their cocoon of life
However, this orkut thing also happened with someone else ..
u can read it here
Maybe you will find it interesting. That was me- about two years back when I first joined the online community.
I consider my strength to be the loyalty of my readers rather than the number of visitors in my page.
In fact, I think that is the only thing that should matter to a blogger. Not how many "pretend" to understand, but how many genuinely understand what you write.
@ aparna
i second your thoughts...
but u know how it goes...most are after traffic rather than genuinely getting into the writers mind...
and well..atleast i am not one of them..
cheers to u
yeahh i have to say bout the blog traffic stuff...even if my blog was worth nothing i wud still go on cuz i dnt think we blog to get famous...but to vent out u blof to vent out....jussst as i
he he he
man..i really am good!!!
Hi ya!!
sounds like u r similar me...
I do read Aparna's blog. I am addicted in blogging... and in IIT too..
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