And for those who didn’t miss me….well…
Do u care anyway???
Now this portion of my blog is dedicated to a fellow blogger of mine who just happened to meet me a few days back…(well, I don’t exactly remember which way it was, me meeting her or her meeting me..but do I care??) and well…being a pretty normal guy and a kolkata resident, wen I told her that I will be coming down to kolkata and asked her whether she could spare some verry idiotic moments for me (not even precious!!) , her reply was a pat NO!!....The reason being me being a “NET-FRIEND” and not a “REAL WORLD FRIEND” (special emphasis on double quotes!)
And well..this was the exact reply of hers “yeah i do differenciate between net friends thats da virtual world and reality....nothing personal but cmon u gotta agree 90% ppl here r fake....arnt its not my fault if i wanna stay on da safe side...evn if u r a nice chap...”
Now that made me think….(though not at that very moment ‘coz well…anyways I had asked it just as a formality given the tight schedule in which I was traveling) the reasons why she didn’t want to meet me. So here were some of the reasons which I could come up with :
If NEO can have it…anyone else can!!
Maybe she Lives the two lives that Thomas Anderson A.K.A Neo used to love...u in the real world and the other in the computers...Emulating Agent smith “ I see Miss $@@4!n! , I see u have been living two lives…
in one world u are a common college girl who goes to college when it is open, comes home and has food, helps mother with some chores and the rest..i don’t think thay ask u to do anything anyway..being the only daughter (if I am not wrong!) u are frustrarted from some things which u don’t like…and u try to find ways to vent out your anger. U try to find ways to bend realty in surrealism and your study interest has opened a portal for u through which u look beyond the glass mirror and try to tumble down the Rabbit hole.
In the other World, U are a blogger..and a good one at that. U write down things which u can’t say ti anyne else…u want to make the world ..well.infact your blog-space a better space with more and more writings..trying to make the space..atleast this one…..your own. "
She thinks I will try to woo her into love or something ….And if she thinks so…man!!!...does a person have to have a sticker on his head which says “OCCUPIED”????
I doubt I give those type of vibes to anybody anyways…and…without even a “first sight”???...thts y u call it “blind” love I guess…
Last but very well maybe possible,...Maybe she thinks I am a very sophisticated contract-killer who makes contact with the subject and befriends him/her before he makes his move….
If they give a knife with a it my fault???
Maybe she mistook my instincts to be my profession!!...happens..
So anyways, Madam, If u are reading this, I cudn’t have met u anyways…
P.S : Home always makes me want to quit smoking..but I guess it requires a lot of Will power to do that…SO have tried Amassing as many WILLS as possible…doesn’t work tht way…
P.S(2) : Me back on the Blogosphere…YEEEEEEEEEEHHAAAAAAAAAAA..
My keyboard is back!!! (For those who didn’t know..i was working with the on-screen keyboard for I dunno-how-long..seemd like eons to me!!) My lappy keyboard doesn’t work in my case…and favorite keyboard was back after some tweaks.. !!
Mmmmmmmmmm…..the fingers feels gr88888…
good one there :-)..happens with being in india..last time i wanted to meet an online pal, my mum gave me warning looks and when i dint turn up in two hrs, she was yelling at me....
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