The Game

Run, Run, Run

Keep running behind the sun

Try catching it with the

End of the fingers, my son

Don't think of how it feels

Or how it would burn down

The moment u touch it

Just touch it.


Keep running

Till the end of time.

Keep running

Till u can't climb

Keep running

And never should u whine

And wait for the

Last supper and the wine.

Staring from the death bed

U will find

All this while U were running,

Without knowing the finish line.


Amalgam said...

wat r u running from?

S. said...

i am not running...

i was..


deeps said...

thats good

Pensativo said...

very true... running is all we all are doing..some know where are they heading..others are just doing something they don't even know... "Staring from the death of bed"..I specially liked these lines..

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